bringing all the RoManTic yet~~~~~~~ emo emo emo emo... all u get it... that feel... when its so cold out of a sudden.. u feel like u need a person to be next to you and hug you.. to give u tat kind of cossy and warm touch..... yeah.. u guys go picture it yourself -.- haiz............. emo~~
plus the jam everyday.. (in the morning in NKVE)
and i mean EVERYDAY!! omg... ish ish ish... at this time!! =.= its a A.M.
but i learn a few tricks now of how to enjoy myself and calm my nerves down during the jam..
1stly.. breakfast is not a 'must' to eat at home now... (true-ly truely recommend Mcd over KFC!!! =.= their breakfast sucks.. Mcd is much better!!)just grab one.. from 'drive-tru' but the coffee always spills anyway... so i just take the burger only instead. and end up.. treating the dustbin in my class room with the coffee in the plastic bag... wahaha...
partying is also not a "must" in my night life adi... it still is partly my life =p but... i rather have more time spending it to hug my young and soon to be "wild child- princess" baby cousin...
HI, my name is YEEEEEEEE rou~ =D
what a cheeky little fella.. haven't even know how to read ABC ou adi know how to molest your cousin sis!! =.= oh dear.. oh well mine are just too huge for your little palms =p!!"haiz~~ i will give up then.. grabbing yellow bearbear is better" mumbled rourou (her name)
also having more precious time with my peeps and pals i cherish so much..
from the sweet laughters.. to de cold emo ... what a transformation wei ling~!! xD oh dear!! she is a mighty heavy one which comes in a "XS" size.. dun be fooled!!! i tell u SHE IS HEAVY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =.= i was force to smile tat way =p to complete the beautiful photo.. hahaha this is another "XS" size in my college ^^ haha she is my "jiji"!!! *hugs*
and FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is never the least thing in my life.. haha although i know i m on a diet... but oh well.... do u live to eat or do u eat to live??? for me both are equally balance... hehe ^^
the student price offer meal ^^ yum.. less than 15bucs... and a great forefilling meal!! go to the IACT admin(3a floor) to grab yourself the 'student loyalty Nando's card'... its really worth it!! ^^
cheeky and cute toilet sign yeah~~
after all the stress and tiredness = crazy act cute wannabe ME!! -.- the best kai gor and best working groupmate you can count on!! JOSEPHsasa CHAN KWAN MENG!!
all work work work and more hardwork was done and all effort was put in for kancil student awards!!!! 2 nights of no sleep and all work... is hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but had a great dinner after we finished it !! ^^ had a wonderful time at nandos~~~
oh ya... and the end of the night.. i FELL sick and i m in with an HIGH FEVER!!!!!!!!!!! =( sick.. sick.... oh my.. but it will recover soon~~~~~~~~~~~~ i guess =P of coz i will!!!! bcoz its going to be raya soon!!!!!!!!!!! and i wan to eat rendang and MORE~~~~~~~~~~~~ food ^^
was feeeling very depress the other night.. felt like the whole world is going down to an end.. sms-ed lots of peeps... but most of them replied the next day... it was still good at least they still reply. and i fel tthe support and the care..
or else i think i will be doing smoking and also drinking very very very often.... dun wan to be like tat.. but the only thing tat can make me feel less stress is drinking... coz at least when i m high and drunk.. i cant think of any of those nightmares... at least after tat few hours of highness i get to sleep soundly... eventhough i wud wake up with migrains... but at least its better than no sleeping at all.... =( but i know myself.. i wont get into this type of shit.. coz of my self-restrictions and frenz i have around and family tat i care.. i know i wont be smoking or drinking.... but tats y.. its pain... coz.. i cant seem to find other ways to release all these stress...
after so many things happened in my 'dramatic' life... i just felt like i wanna have a small tattoo on my neck... but i m not too sure about it.. i m afraid i might let my parents kill me.. xD!! but feel like getting one... with the word "友" on it.. coz all my life all the ups and downs.. i been tru.. my frenz were the ones beside me.. to hug me.. comfort me and cheer me up... i truely feel safe with you guys.. i really do.. especailly to foong foong after what happen recently... slowly realise... jiji, xinxin,lingling,shyshy,mable,lynn,joyce chin and mostly those in iact become very close to them... really really love shyshy, jiji, xinxin,esther and lingling... coz we hang out so often together recently... and the way they care and the way the cheer me up.. give me so many support... make me so gan dong.. =) thank you all so much last but not least of coz is my i-style girls and not to forget.. my lengleng and sasa +hoong hoong and khin khin lor... so long frenz adi... friendship still so strong.. those words tat we write in each other's autographbook really din go to a waste..=)
so well... when will i get tat tattoo.. hmmm at 1st i tot i wan wings.. coz i wanted freedom... and i m always all around ... thats y wings suit me.. but now as a grow up a lil more.. i realise... freedom is just an asset.. everybody has it. just depending on do u know how to control it =).... but frenz.. and strong frenship are hard to get.. i truely will cherish it.. if i have.. so having a tattoo on my neck will always remind tat those frenz i m strongly in touch with and also to those who help me true my hard times..